Make the Roman Empire Great Again

Profile Image for Matt.

845 reviews 27.3k followers

Edited April 26, 2016

Absolutely, I accept very picayune knowledge about the Roman Empire. This has not stopped me from creating a construct in my heed about how Rome fell. The image I've created is actually very elementary, subtle, and elegant.

First, picture

a room the Coliseum. Now imagine the Coliseum filled with men, women, and goats. Everyone is naked, including the goats. Men are having sex with women. Men are having sex with men. Women are having sexual activity with women. The goats are having sex with everyone. There is an elephant in the corner, watching.

Besides the sexual activity, there is food. Long tables groaning with suckling pigs, racks of lamb, and skewered craven. And the alcohol! There are flagons of wine and barrels of beer, and it flows similar the Tiber.

Too, the Coliseum is on burn down.

There y'all have it. The autumn of Rome every bit information technology plays out in my caput. Just imagine every porn movie ever made, combined with the binge drinking of The Existent Earth, the overeating of Human being vs. Food, and the fires from Backdraft.

I came upwardly with this construct because at one fourth dimension or another, I read somewhere that Rome brutal due to its moral disuse. And to me, nothing symbolizes moral decay better than a bunch of people having sex with goats, eating turkey legs, and getting boozer while on fire.

Maybe unsurprisingly, the story told in Peter Heather's The Fall of the Roman Empire is quite a flake dissimilar than the scenario I only described.

More importantly, Heather has a different take than that of Edward Gibbon, the author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. According to Gibbon (and then I'k told), Rome collapsed considering of civic decay, a loss of manliness, the outsourcing of soldiery, and the effects of Christianity. Heather, on the other paw, blames the barbarians.

The bulk of Heather's story (excluding an introductory chapter) starts in the 300s and ends in the 400s. Thus, if you know most of your Roman history from watching movies – similar me – you can place The Fall of the Roman Empire former after the period covered by Stanley Kubrick'southward Spartacus and earlier William Wyler'south Roman Holiday.

According to Heather, the fall of Rome was precipitated by waves of migration, brought almost by invasion, and not by invasion alone. It began in the northward, with the rise of the Huns. The Huns forced other barbarian groups, including the Goths, to flee into Roman territory. Unable to go along the Goths out, Rome reached a tenuous détente with these groups, allowing them to seek refuge inside their borders. This worked out fine, until various barbarian coalitions decided to go, yous know, barbaric. The lesson: never trust anyone calling him or herself a barbarian.

In 378, a Gothic army defeated the Romans at Hadrianople; in 410, they sacked Rome itself. Afterward, the Vandals vandalized Gaul and Kingdom of spain and, more importantly, conquered the resource-rich territory of N Africa. As Heather explains, these were not only armed services crises; rather, they precipitated political and economic catastrophe that spread to the Empire at big:

Every temporary, also every bit permanent, loss of territory brought a decline in imperial revenues, the lifeblood of the state, and reduced the western Empire's capacity to maintain its armed forces…As the Roman state lost power, and was perceived to be doing so, provincial Roman landowning elites, at different times in different places, faced an uncomfortable new reality. The sapping of the state's vitality threatened everything that fabricated them what they were. Defined by the state they stood on, fifty-fifty the dimmest, or virtually loyal, could not help only realize eventually that their interests would be best served by making an accommodation with the new ascendant force in their locality.

In the 440s, the Huns – which had heretofore had an indirect effect on the Empire – rampaged beyond Europe, and towards Rome itself, under the leadership of Attila. Though Attila'south Huns defeated several imperial armies, Heather downplays Attila's achievements. Indeed, co-ordinate to Heather, Rome was injure worse past Attila's death than past his acquisition armies.

Post-obit Attila, the Hunnic Empire fragmented. Suddenly, Rome lacked a stable ability with which they could barter, bargain, and sometimes rely on for war machine assistance. Instead, the Western Empire was forced to expend precious assets attempting to grade coalitions with various immigrant groups. Despite great expenditures, Rome was never able to achieve stability.

The terminal gasp of the Western Empire was the disastrous attempt of the Byzantine Armada to recapture Carthage from the Vandals. When this failed, "information technology doomed one half of the Roman world to extinction." To exist sure, though, this extinction did not occur amongst an orgy of goat sexual activity, gluttony, and flames. On the contrary, it occurred more gradually, as a dawning realization, a new state of affairs. It is also important to note that Heather'southward book covers the fall of the Western Empire; Rome itself has not crumbled past the terminal pages.

When I evaluate history books, I look at 2 things: scholarliness and accessibility. Unfortunately, quite often, these two things practice not go paw in hand. A corking writer is non necessarily a great historian, and vice versa. Hither, a good balance is struck.

First, Heather is a renowned historian of the barbarians (I assume there are very few openings for this position). You meet evidence of this not but in his amply annotated notes section, merely in his analysis of the show he presents. It is readily apparent that he is not but regurgitating the ideas of others. Instead, he presents his own theories and ideas, based on his ain extensive enquiry in the field. This wealth of knowledge and experience is peculiarly important when dealing with aboriginal history, which requires a cracking deal of extrapolation to comprehend the gaps in the historical record.

Second, Heather writes for the general reader, the mutual man, a person such as myself who knows but as much nearly Rome as a two-hour guided tour of the Coliseum and repeated viewings of Gladiator can offering.

The book is bundled into three sections. In the first, Heather gives a helpful overview of the Roman Empire before things started going to hell. He devotes a chapter to the Romans, a chapter to the barbarians, and a chapter to the logistical difficulties of running a vast empire when information moved at the speed of a equus caballus over uncertain roads. In the heart section, Heather recounts the wars on the frontier, the devastating loss of the North African breadbasket, and the ascent of Attila. Finally, the last section covers the breakup of the Huns and its calamitous effect on the Romans. There are as well several helpful addendums, including a dramatis personae (if you lot, like me, keep disruptive Valentinian I and Valentinian Three), a glossary, and maybe most obliging of all, a timeline.

In short, Heather does non care for Roman history as a Member'south Simply Society, where reading all six volumes of Gibbon is a prerequisite to entry.

This is not to say that he is a master prose stylist or that he has crafted a seamless narrative. In fact, I'1000 not sure that'southward possible. The trouble with ancient history is that we have to excerpt a lot from a little. Entire stories must be spun from surviving fragments of some guy's diary. Thus, any business relationship of Rome must be constantly interrupted past disclaimers, by hemming and hawing, and by the comprisal that, for certain events, no one really knows. I constitute it hard to really go into a rhythm when Heather kept pausing to examine a shard of pottery or a sword found in a swamp.

Heather besides has a trend, which seemed to grow, towards lame humor. He makes the kind of lamentable, weak jokes that a hopelessly out-of-touch male parent might make to his teenage daughter's friends. I suspect that many readers might find this annoying. Frankly, it didn't bother me all that much. In that location's no need to be starchy in the presentation of this bailiwick, because it'southward starchy enough. Nosotros should have a lot of things seriously. The history of Rome is non one of these things. Moreover, the autumn of Rome happened and then long ago that it's difficult to believe it occurred on the same planet we now inhabit. We are left with ruins, merely, to notation its being. The injection of humor, however stake it might seem, is a welcome bit of humanity, a reminder that nosotros are all fellow travelers.

As much as I dearest history, I volition never be a student of Rome. It has never truly appealed to me, even after I visited Italy, walked the streets of the Eternal City, and consumed vast quantities of their cheapest wines. At this indicate, I suppose it will never be more than than a passing fancy, something I option up and put downward like a fussy babe. I guess that makes me an honest dilettante. And that is the basis upon which I recommend this book.

Profile Image for Bettie.

nine,988 reviews fourteen followers

Edited September eight, 2015

Narrated by: Allan Robertson
Length: 21 hrs and 42 mins

Description: The death of the Roman Empire is 1 of the perennial mysteries of world history. Now, in this groundbreaking book, Peter Heather proposes a stunning new solution: Centuries of imperialism turned the neighbors Rome chosen barbarians into an enemy capable of dismantling an Empire that had dominated their lives for and so long. A leading authorisation on the late Roman Empire and on the barbarians, Heather relates the extraordinary story of how Europe's barbarians, transformed past centuries of contact with Rome on every possible level, eventually pulled the empire apart. He shows first how the Huns overturned the existing strategic rest of power on Rome'southward European frontiers, to force the Goths and others to seek refuge inside the Empire. This prompted two generations of struggle, during which new barbaric coalitions, formed in response to Roman hostility, brought the Roman west to its knees.

The Goths get-go destroyed a Roman regular army at the battle of Hadrianople in 378, and went on to sack Rome in 410. The Vandals spread destruction in Gaul and Spain, before conquering North Africa, the breadbasket of the Western Empire, in 439. Nosotros then run across Attila the Hun, whose reign of terror swept from Constantinople to Paris, but whose death in 453 ironically precipitated a concluding drastic stage of Roman collapse, culminating in the Vandals' defeat of the massive Byzantine Fleet: the west's last chance for survival.

Peter Heather assuredly argues that the Roman Empire was not on the brink of social or moral collapse. What brought information technology to an stop were the barbarians.

Always enjoyable to romp through the roman civilisation and see where renditions differ according to author spin. I wouldn't call this tome revisionist, yet I would say that it was probably a culmination of everything that finally did for the empire.

Profile Image for Bookwraiths.

695 reviews 988 followers

Edited June 26, 2013

This is hands down one of the best written, nigh entertaining and easily digested books I have ever read regarding the autumn of the Roman Empire. Mr. Heather gives a reader enough dorsum story regarding Rome and its neighbors to understand the strategic situation before he so outlines his theory of just what happened to destroy the Western Roman Empire and how it was more than a gradual process than we have been led to believe. His reasoning for each point is well-idea-out and explained with but enough statistical information to brainwash the reader but not so much every bit to overwhelm him.

For anyone who has ane iota of interest in the fall of the Roman Empire, this should be a must read. Whether you hold with the author'due south premise or not, yous volition detect yourself amazed that history can be this readable.

Profile Image for Szplug.

467 reviews 1,101 followers

Edited July 1, 2011

I'yard trashing the majority of what I have previously written here, forth with opting to round up my iii-and-a-half rating to a fulsome and fully merited 4; scrubbing the slate clean and making an endeavour to exercise this book some justice. Prior allusions to the Mighty Gibbon and his masterpiece are inherently unfair to Heather—he's certainly no Gibbon, just and so again, who is? The fact of the matter is that the British author is a pleasant and engaging writer who suffers from spells of dryness—but now that I've had a chance to revisit this thick and thoughtful volume from the perch of a couple of day'southward distance, it dawns upon me that the pleasure and appointment of his style are fuller, and his aridity less sere, than I had originally stated. Whilst Gibbon is, indeed, an Olympian Nectar, information technology does Mr. Heather a grave disservice to label his labor equally aught but an anodyne draft of Tang™. With that said, I did find myself proceeding at an irregular rhythm—at times the minutiae of the data Heather was detailing slowed things to an absolute crawl, only to once more break into a bantering canter equally he wove into the tapestry the fascinating characters and ethnicities who performed on the stage during the tumultuous final century of the Roman Empire equally it was originally constituted. Beyond doubt this gentleman knows his stuff—his analysis (at least on the surface) is sound, his depictions of Roman and Barbarian life convincing and strongly-etched, and he has crafted a well-ordered and sensible progression for the setting down of his persuasive statement.

In a nutshell, Heather's opinion is that neither the adoption of an demanding Christianity nor a withering of the citizenry's moral fiber is what constituted the primary chemical element of the (Western) Empire's fall, but rather an exploding and more than structured Barbaric population that, on the heels of an enduring and perilous threat from Sassanid Persia, took advantage of favorable circumstances to drift into a Roman Empire that was markedly unlike from that of the kickoff century, lay waste to populated and prosperous regions, and both cripple the taxation revenues required by the majestic hierarchy too every bit fatally dividing the latter into factions who contributed to the instability around the throne. This nutshell is packed to the brim with tasty and nutritious bits, all the same. The foundation is laid with Heather'due south survey of the Roman Empire just afterward the collapse of Diocletian's Tetrarchy, with a focus on the differences betwixt what existed moving through the Fourth Century, and how things operated back when Augustus set forth the initial institutions: the evolution of the sense of Romanness developed within the twin societal structures of the centralized Imperial administration and legal arrangement and the localized civic and rural cultures of the various provincial constituencies, along with the requirement—indeed, the demand—for more than a unmarried Caesar, non simply for a amend performance and quicker reaction across a vast, seventy-million-plus souled domain, but to allow for a richer and more extensive allotment of rewards, promotions, titles, and wealth to the appreciably larger number of of import imperial officials who demanded to be regularly mollified if their potentiality for mischief was to be kept dormant.

Why was this the example? Considering, as Heather puts forth, the emergence of a serious superpower rival in the Sassanid make of a revivified Persia spurred her Roman neighbor—after a serial of humiliating and regicidal defeats suffered at the hands of the Shah-in-Shah's forces—to vastly expand and reorganize its standing military. The separation into regular edge armies under a dux and aristocracy field armies nether a comes more than than doubled the size of the military, besides as bloating the imperial bureaucracy into a cast of thousands serving the separate courts of the joint emperors. Heather also set forth how the Empire dealt with the necessity for a considerable influx of revenue, ranging from debasing the currency, overhauling the tax plan—including diverse flavors of hit up the powerful landowning class, and the farther rearranging of an imperial system that saw municipal and provincial development driven by the needs and designs of the localities, with the regal hand weighing lightly upon the decisions. Thus, while the emperors assumed full control of the defense of the realm, the myriad dioceses, provinces, and cities—lead by an educated and relatively compact landowning form with extensive privileges—handled an increasing amount of responsibilities in other fields: centralizing and centrifugal forces at work upon each other at the same time. Astride this theme rides some other examining the role of Christianity later its adoption past the state under Constantine I the Bang-up—contra Gibbon, Heather posits that since the Christian faith took at least two or 3 generations to fully inveigle its way into the culture of localized societies, and was as afflicted past Romanization as the empire was by its new organized religion; and since it meshed so well with the prior pagan idealization of the Emperor and the Empire equally favored—and thus destined—for greatness under the gods; and since those who abandoned the material globe for isolated hermeticism were but a miniscule fraction of the total number of Christians—many of whom long connected to mix into their Christianity a good for you amount of pagan practice whilst their priests strained it through the rational philosophies of the Greeks—information technology never had a adventure to enervate or enfeeble its practitioners to whatsoever appreciable caste before the devastating inroads of the barbarians in the late quaternary and early on fifth centuries.

And information technology is with these barbarians that Heather sees the fatal chemical element in the circumstances leading to the Fall of Rome. Taking reward of the depth of new understandings about the life of these Central and Eastern European tribes that has been achieved through archeology and science, Heather dismisses those who claimed a mythological unity and purpose to the Germans or Aryans, instead placing them every bit they likely existed when the Empire was formed—a myriad of politically cluttered and devolutionary tribes—and tracing their development into the fourth century—i that, particularly as regarded their agricultural practices and expanded freeman class, had been such as to generate a dramatic increase in their populations and political complexity right at a most propitious fourth dimension. The single most important catalyst was the thunderous arrival upon the Ukrainian steppe of the Huns, that mysterious conglomeration of bow-savvy nomads whose origins are still the source of much speculation and argument (for a proficient laugh, check out the Wikipedia discussions nearly such as the Hunnic Empire or the Origin of the Goths: tempers flare like an erupting solar storm). Later on Heather produces some fascinating details about this group—leaving the hint that he personally considers them the first Turkic presence at the eastern edge of Europe—he details how their violent irruption onto the plains collection the Iranian and German tribes who currently occupied that land westwards. In 376 the Tervingi and Greuthungi, two divisions of the Germanic Goths, sought to migrate into the Roman Empire, a determination that, once granted by the Eastern Emperor Valens, lead to the Gothic Wars and initiated a chain reaction that reverberated across the next lxx years.

Since, every bit Heather points out, it was standard operating practice for the Roman administrations to denigrate the barbarians every bit, well, roughshod, ignorant, flea-riddled, and bedraggled hordes awaiting the fulgent illumination of Roman enlightenment and civilization, certain attitudes were required when dealing with them that oft abraded reality. A generation afterward the Gothic wars had uneasily fizzled to an cease, and equally the Persian threat kept a sizable amount of the Roman military permanently occupied in the near east, several tribes such as the Goths nether the chieftain Radagaisus, the Alamanni, and the powerful supergroup comprised of the Germanic Vandals and Suebi allied with the Iranian Alans, broke into the Empire later on 405 and spread devastation whilst emperors engaged in internecine scheming or sent armies against them that suffered a series of setbacks. Somewhen the Vandal-Alan group fabricated its way to Spain before—under heavy pressure from Roman field armies augmented by mercenary coalitions of Gothic, Burgundian, and Hunnic warbands—crossing into North Africa and capturing the series of rich and economically vibrant provinces centered around Carthage in 439. After taking the reader upon a fascinating tour of North African evolution throughout the course of the empire's lifetime, in which it became the breadbasket of Rome and a dynamic economic engine for the western half of the empire, he describes the massive military armada assembled by the Western and Eastern emperors in 441 to retake this vital geographical region and relieve the injured majestic revenues. Alas, at that very moment Attila, unifier and bicep-flexing war machine overlord of the newly constituted Hunnic Empire, opted to brand his starting time devastating incursion across the Danube, bringing burn and steel to the luxuriant roman villas and farms in the Balkan valleys and well-earning the championship of Scourge of God.

Heather's excursion into the world of Attila is one of the all-time parts of the book. At this betoken the Huns occupied the Nifty Hungarian Plain and, with a comparatively small core of ethnic Hunnic warriors, dominated a vast and tightly controlled conglomeration of Germanic—Goths, Sciri, Heruli, Gepids, Burgundians, Rugi, Suebi— and Iranian—Sarmatian, Iazyges, Alans, Massagetae—tribes that had been pushed westwards and abutted the riverine frontiers of the Roman Empire. Prior to Attila the Huns had been ruled by a coterie of footling kings, and had contributed mercenary troops to the Western Empire during their battles with the Radagaisusian Goths and the Vandal-Alan horde; but Attila welded his neighbors into a mobile and ruthless marauding army that made several lengthy and destructive inroad campaigns into the Eastern and Western Empires during the the years of his rule—441 to 453. Heather paints the Hunnic Empire as being of a predatory nomadism, one in which the constant promise of battle and haul was necessary to maintain command over such a disparate assemblage of tribes. His tributary demands upon the Romans brought huge quantities of aureate into the lands of Germania for the first time, while his marauding raids left a terrible trail of destruction beyond some of the Empire'southward richest territories. Withal, Attila was checked for the offset time by the Roman full general Aetius, who had augmented his forces with sizable contingents from the Franks and the Visigoths, the supergroup equanimous of the remnant population of the Tervingi and Greuthungi Goths and the surviving followers of the defeated Radagaisus; and this victory merely confirmed the Visigoths in their possession, outside of direct imperial command, of the fertile lands of Aquitania in southwest Gaul.

Attila's sudden death—attributed to besides much drinking and dinking with his umpteenth new bride—was viewed past contemporaries as a salvational happening; however, in Heather's opinion, it was the death of Attila that directly lead to the rapid crumbling and autumn of the Western Empire. Whilst Attila was king he maintained a strict and iron grip upon his undergroups, and emigration from the Rhine-Danubian frontier into the empire was virtually nonexistent. Upon his expiry, however, the Hunnic Empire was plunged into a fratricidal civil state of war, one in which, within the bridge of a mere decade, it ceased to exist in any unitary form. Freed from the merciless command of their Hunnic overlords, confined and congested by their proximity to each other, and enlightened of the weakness of the Empire after years of battle with the nomadic hordes, several large groupings of Germanic tribes—the Burgundians, the Franks, a confederation of the Goths who had served nether Attila—crossed the river barriers and installed themselves upon Roman territory. The Roman field armies were still of a size that, full-bodied in force, they could have seriously tested any of these migratory barbarian groupings—but they could never accomplish such a concentration without leaving the empire open to the predations of the others; and the instability around the imperial throne, and the wastage of troops in internecine fighting between factions, contributed to this unsettled and revenue-sapping situation.

With the conclusion fabricated by the Eastern Emperor Leo—and acceded to past Ricimer, the Patrician kingmaker of the Western Empire and a man descended from Visigothic and Sciric royalty—to drag a competent eastern full general, i Anthemius, to the Italian capital, the Western half was once again in the easily of a formidable and adamant ruler. Both halves literally drained the treasury in a one-shot-takes-all effort to reclaim North Africa from the Vandals and recapture the vitally necessary agricultural and economic riches of these provinces for the haemorrhage Western Roman body; alas, a combination of bad luck, uncooperative winds, and highly skilled Vandal sailors combined to inflict a terrible defeat upon the assembled armada, a painful and devastating reversal that, in Heather's opinion, removed the final lifeline from the grasp of Rome. Within a short span of years Anthemius was murdered, the Burgundians had setup a kingdom effectually the Rhone and Saone river valleys, and the Visigothic King, Euric, embarked upon a massive expansionary project that saw the Visigoths regnant and unopposed from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Loire River. With England long lost to Rome, and Northern Gaul divided between bandit-infested Brittany and the slowly-only-surely expanding Frankish tribes, the Western Empire was reduced to the Italian peninsula and a rump of the southern Gallic coast. All that remained to cease the farce was the concluding, pragmatic withdrawal of support from the Eastern Roman emperor—and this was done in 476; Odoacer, the Sciri-born general who had wielded the power in one case held by Ricimer, and whose father had served equally ane of Attila's lieutenants, deposed the puppet Romulus Augustulus and ruled on his own as Patrician. The Western Empire was officially dead.

It just might be that Heather'due south summation of these final years is the single best part of this lengthy tome. He uses modern archeological finds to dispel the theory that a dissipated Rome was suffering from a dramatic decline in population, and lays out how the Roman landowners, the educated provincials who had promoted Romanness at the local levels, were tied by the very country they owned—the source of all their wealth—from abandoning it in the face of invasion; and so these landowners were forced to make accommodations with the barbaric kings who had overrun the territory on which they were situated. Heather is too very practiced at bringing out the numbers to trace the deleterious outcome—upon the field armies to a higher place all else—of the drastic drop in tax revenues when some of the richest, nearly arable lands in the western empire were occupied past the migrant Germans. Gene in the endemic instability effectually the Imperial throne and the inability of the eastern emperors to wield a free hand in the west, and you have a recipe for exactly what happened. Though the newly constituted barbarian kingdoms adopted Christianity and sought to maintain every bit many Roman forms equally were feasible, their very composition—a mostly illiterate aristocracy of warrior chieftains and freeman who brought their ain retainers into battle in lieu of a professional army—worked confronting information technology; and, depending on the region and the level of integration with imperial cultural and societal memes that it had accomplished by the 5th century, the long-enduring binds of Roman citizenship before long began to transmute into something altogether different and new.

As Heather read from many of the aforementioned sources as did Gibbon, he doesn't offer much that is new to the general narrative of the fall, but rather to the details behind the events that occurred, and to establishing a chain of reasoning—both evidentiary and speculative in nature—for why things proceeded as they did, and what steps might maybe have been taken to remedy this crunch of the 4th and fifth centuries; and it has to exist said that his try is impressive and convincing in the extreme. I accept read that other Roman history luminaries like Adrian Goldsworthy don't agree with Heather'south assessment, with the former believing that at no fourth dimension were the barbarians beyond Rome'due south power to command were she served past less venal, more capable men; merely, with my ain limited noesis and understanding of this period, Heather can currently count me amid those swayed by his theme. Whilst it is never the case for goose egg than absolutists—of which the field of history seems to possess a surprising and disturbing quantity—that to one single factor tin exist attributed the crusade of such a reverberant historical watershed, Heather has convinced me that the barbarian element—the evidence for their seriously increased population level and political sophistication, their importation of Roman customs, arms, rules, and bailiwick used in expanding their own power bases within the empire—in essence, Rome providing the lessons and material for inflicting its ain defeat—the principal ingredient of the predatory Huns driving these German tribes westwards and into disharmonize with their Roman neighbor—was of paramount importance in setting the stage for the failure of the fifth century Roman Imperial structure. It simply all rings true and seems well-supported by the current level of evidence and cognition, at least every bit presented by the writer. Although parts might be a chip too academic for the casual history buff, this is a solid, well-written, enlightening, and, ultimately, convincing assemblage of historical revisionism; hell, I'll wager the Mighty Gibbon Himself would exist proud.

    Profile Image for Gumble's Yard - Golden Reviewer.

    one,571 reviews 751 followers

    Edited May xv, 2021

    Overly long although relatively easy to read business relationship.

    The writer's first central thesis is that:

    Shortly before its autumn the Roman Empire was actually in a good for you country (contrary to classical analysis);

    Although the ascent of the Persian empire formed a huge armed services (and hence budgetary) claiming to the Empire that the Empire managed to adjust organically to this new reality although this did lead to both the replacement of self governing towns with an Purple Bureaucracy and (also due simply to the enormous distances involved in advice and command) the permanent splitting of the Empire into (two with four Imperial capitals none of which were Rome) – leading to tension and civil war;

    At that time many areas of rural economy were flourishing; and finally that (contrary to Gibbon's analysis) Empire and Christianity quickly reached symbiosis.

    One of his key arguments is that many of the reasons posited for the fall of the Due west also use to the East which survived for many centuries as the Byzantine Empire.

    Instead he posits the fall of Rome as due to external influences – principally the large scale unplanned immigration/invasion of and occupation by a pregnant number of large barbaric groups.

    Although he admits that many of the classical factors weakened the West to the betoken where it couldn't cope with these pressures or resist the incursions, in his concluding assay he claims that it was merely due to the Roman influence on the neighbouring Barbaric areas (which as per Faulkner he says were dictated by areas of country where sustainable arable farming was not possible) and tribes eventually leading to them coalescing into big groups which were then big enough to strength their way over the frontiers and to occupy big tracts of state.

    These occupations ,and in particular the Vandal seizure of Africa, deprived the center of large slices of revenue and eventually led to its implosion as local landowners (whose only nugget was their state made accommodation with the barbarians instead).

    Finally he identifies the Huns equally playing a fundamental office but not in their invasions (which ultimately failed) in three non-obvious ways:

    Firstly in precipitating the migration of the barbarian tribes;

    Secondly past diverting the Eastern Empire'due south flotilla sailing to the rescue of Africa;

    Thirdly by their collapse after Attila's decease in depriving the Romans of a forcefulness they were using to command the very barbarians they had pushed into Roman territory.

    Profile Image for Daniel Threlfall.

    122 reviews 23 followers

    Edited June 29, 2015

    Unless you're some sort of history nerd, the championship sounds absolutely boring. I'grand not a history nerd, so that's what I thought — boring! — when a friend let me borrow this book.

    The book was non boring. Non in the least.

    The volume is, obviously, almost how the Roman Empire "vicious." The thing that makes it interesting, however, is the fact that the author, Peter Heather, takes issue with the well-nigh unanimity of historians on the causes and contributing factors of the Empire's decline.

    Distressing, Gibbon, but y'all were only partly correct .

    Rome'south reject wasn't simply their addiction to gluttony and the circus, nor a raging invasion of long-haired barbarians (i.e., decadence, corruption, loss of values). Rome's refuse had more to do with a gradual and sequential process by which European barbarians became entangled with the Roman empire on every level, eventually dismantling the vast construction from within.

    Here's the thing about Heather. He doesn't just tell you about history. He tells y'all how to do history. For example, he explains how to interpret the pollen records of the 4th century, and the implications were for Hunnic nomadic migration beyond the Eurasian steppes. He also argues with other historians, explaining why they are wrong. Who doesn't love a skillful bench-brawling historical scholars' free-for-all?

    As he mixes argument with analysis with didactic historiography, he creates a memorable and powerful way of proving his point. Information technology sticks.

    I've spent some fourth dimension studying Christianity and the history of Christianity. While reading Heather, it occurred to me that I had a huge blind spot in my historical agreement of Christianity. I'm still trying to grasp, non but how Christianity shaped civilisation and the Roman Empire, but conversely how Christianity was shaped past the Roman Empire. Heather deals capably with this subject. The few pages in which he discusses Augustine are outstanding.

    Profile Image for WarpDrive.

    271 reviews 349 followers

    January eighteen, 2013

    Outstanding and detailed book created by an expert and a real authorisation in this field. I accept been following this author for the final few years - not just his books, but also his articles in various specialist publications conspicuously demonstrate a mastery of this historical period. His well balanced and detailed analysis make this book a pleasance to read.

    Profile Image for Ton.

    97 reviews 25 followers

    Edited July fourteen, 2019

    Not a new book anymore (published originally in 2005), this book attempts to requite an explanation for the collapse of the western part of the Roman Empire. Heather goes about edifice his narrative, after first establishing what "Romanness" and "barbarianism" mean, from the late fourth century. Heather suggests the structural flaws in the empire (troublesome succession was ingrained) combined with diminishing taxation-revenues are the root causes. The author likewise defies numerous theories on the fashion and gives a lot of corroborating examples for his own positions. Very readable, with an eye for the non-academics, though sometimes a tad populistic, for example characterizing the empire's financial situation as "skint".


    Profile Image for Paul.

    91 reviews

    May xix, 2008

    The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians, by Peter Heather

    This new volume by a professor at Worcester College, Academy of Oxford is a true gem amongst books covering historical subject field matter. The by when covered by almost books attempting to educate the reader on historical subject matter roofing several hundred years often results in text book like reading without the inspirational individual efforts of the everyday citizen being included or explained.
    In this case I am happy to study that non merely are many individual citizens brought to life through recovered letters and such, only many connecting aspects of interpersonal rivalries and ambitions supported by empirical bear witness are interspaced with the large picture events surrounding those people and their lives. This volume makes the reader more than aware of the bug and subject field matter from the view of the pocket-sized group or individual than any other book on Rome which I am familiar with. The writing is also like shooting fish in a barrel to follow for the boilerplate reader who is non a scholar.
    If you are interested in finding out just how like our globe events today are to ancient Rome and the issues they faced, read this volume! Rome faced many of the same issue every bit we encounter today. Examples of these problems include inflation of coinage by deflating the value of the raw metal content in the coins, gorilla warfare on its boarders, political intrigue through spies by rival super powers, citizens who were forced to deal with irresolute events rapidly if they wanted to starting time a business or venture into government work, among many other examples.
    Heather argues, in my opinion very successfully that it was the barbarians who brought down the Empire rather than whatsoever social or moral collapse. However the real value of this book is for the average reader to dive into something, which reads like a fiction narrative trying to persuade the reader to a point of view. In my opinion information technology succeeds. However, the average reader tin learn so much on this subject matter without subjecting themselves to the many long and boring textbooks, which are and so abundant for whatever topic related to Rome and its downfall.
    At 459 pages just for the story and persuasive statement for his theme Heather adds a timeline and other sources as well, making the total page count 572. In my experience this book reads like a page turner and should engage whatever history buff likewise as those who shun history for its boring nature or lack of inspired stories to engage in and root for. The characters that Heather has pass in and out of Rome's history in this detailed book seem existent and alive.
    Books on Rome are arable, but few engage the average reader in a way that compels and engages the imagination while failing to debase the story in the usual folly of solely telling everything from the view of the superlative person looking down on the minions. Rome had entrepreneurs and businessmen between the gladiators and slaves and emperors. Who knew that and so many parallels to our mod western civilization would be seen through 1 book? Read this volume for the entertainment equally well equally the educational value relating to a civilization, which even so reaches frontwards in fourth dimension to spread its influence on today's earth events.
    Whether yous are interested in the evolution of the Germanic peoples influencing Rome and how they continue to influence us upwardly to today or your interests lie with an early cult of Judaism every bit it emerged from a leadership dominated by martyrs to become the dominant religion of the empire despite its founder beingness publicly executed by the same empire, this volume volition put into perspective all of the issues of that fourth dimension flow in a way that is engaging and relevant to assimilate for the mod westerner.
    This book was fun, entertaining and engaging. I highly recommend it.

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    356 reviews 47 followers

    Dec 27, 2017

    Un gran ben libro! La fine dell'impero romano d'occidente è descritta magistralmente, con una narrazione avvincente, vivace, mai noiosa (qualità rara in united nations saggio di storiografia) una lettura che mi ha accompagnato durante le ferie estive, facendomi dimenticare caldo due east zanzare, lontano dal mare due east dalla sua "caciara". Nelle lunghe e silenziose ore d'agosto sono sfilati personaggi e figuri a volte gravi e imponenti, a volte meschini east ridicoli, sanguinari east feroci di imperatori, generali, burocrati, eunuchi ed usurpatori insieme a filosofi, storici (Ammiano Marcellino, Olimpiodoro di Tebe, Prisco, Giordane etc.) e letterati (Ausonio, Sidonio) del basso impero. Amplissimo spazio è dato anche agli antagonisti dell'impero, un caleidoscopio di re barbari, di popolazioni germaniche che dimoravano nell'Est europeo tra Polonia e Ucraina, e poi sarmati, alani, unni e Sasanidi della Persia, indugiando a descriverne la storia, gli usi, la cultura materiale e spirituale. Il grande impero romano è descritto nelle sue strutture politiche eastward amministrative, tanto centrali quanto provinciali e locali, con i tutti i limiti e storture, ma anche nella sua cultura fatta di lingua latina, letteratura east retorica, diritto, acquedotti due east terme. Sono elencate eastward dibattute le varie tesi, da quelle sull'ineluttabilità della caduta dell'impero (una fine per collasso interno inevitabile, iscritta nel dna di ogni impero), alla eventualità invece che la crisi innescata dalle invasioni barbariche poteva essere gestita in altro modo due east superata, consentendo alla parte occidentale del mondo romano di riprendersi eastward assimilare gli invasori. In fondo, dice Heather, se la crisi dell'impero era già insita inevitabilmente nella sua struttura (politica, economica, sociale), perché la parte orientale dell'impero, in tutto simile a quella occidentale, è sopravvissuta egregiamente per altri mille anni?

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